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This data release contains compiled historical groundwater-withdrawal data for the Coastal Lowlands Aquifer System in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida from 1925 to 2018. Most groundwater-withdrawals were distributed to groundwater wells and separated into water-use categories of industrial, production wells, power generation, mining, domestic, irrigation, livestock or commercial. Groundwater-withdrawal data were obtained, where available, from existing database resources hosted by various State and Federal agencies. For Texas, data were obtained from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) from both existing Groundwater Availability Models (GAM), and from historical groundwater-withdrawal data....
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Acadia Parish, Adams County, Alabama, Allen Parish, Amite County, All tags...
Florida - These data were taken from the Florida Boating Access Facilities Inventory and Economic Study including a pilot study for Lee County: A Report to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission on August 30, 2009. This GIS point data set is based on the data contained in the final databases that were provided to FWC on June 2, 2009 in Microsoft Access format.Mississippi - Boat ramps and marinas in the coastal counties of Mississippi are included in this data layer. These facilities were primarily derived from a document from the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources website. Due to changes after Hurricane Katrina, some marinas and boat ramps may have been abandoned or gone out-of-business. Some...
Categories: Data; Tags: Academics & scientific researchers, Alabama, Aransas County, Baldwin County, Brazoria County, All tags...
This dataset shows Marinas within the Gulf of Mexico
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service; Tags: Alabama, Aransas County, Baldwin County, Boat, Boat Ramps, All tags...
It contains supporting data from the wetland morphology modeling to support the analysis on the landscape effects of Mississippi River diversions in the context of sea-level rise on soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration along coastal Louisiana wetlands.
The Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring (BICM) program was developed by Louisiana’s Coastal Protection Restoration Authority (CPRA) and is implemented as a component of the System Wide Assessment and Monitoring (SWAMP) program. The program uses both historical data and contemporary data collections to assess and monitor changes in the aerial and subaqueous extent of islands, habitat types, sediment texture and geotechnical properties, environmental processes, and vegetation composition. Examples of BICM datasets include still and video aerial photography for documenting shoreline changes, shoreline positions, habitat mapping, land change analyses, light detection and ranging (lidar) surveys for topographic elevations,...
Tags: Acadiana Bays Region, Acadiana Bays Region, Cameron Parish, Chandeleur Islands Region, Chandeleur Islands Region, All tags...
The U.S. Geological Survey assessed undiscovered petroleum resources in the downdip Paleogene formations of the U.S. Gulf Coast in 2018. During the assessment new data and information were collected to evaluate thermal maturity, source rock character, and unconventional reservoir rock prospectivity for the Cenozoic-aged section in south Louisiana. Samples were analyzed using multiple analytical approaches, including programmed pyrolysis (Rock-Eval), Leco TOC, organic petrographic analysis including vitrinite reflectance (Ro, %), and X-ray diffraction mineralogy. Associated abstract publication: Valentine, B.J., Elizalde, C., Enomoto, C.B., Hackley, P.C., 2015, Organic petrology and geochemistry of Tertiary and...

    map background search result map search result map Marinas in the Gulf of Mexico Predicting landscape effects of Mississippi River diversions on soil organic carbon sequestration Marinas in the Gulf of Mexico Louisiana Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program – habitat mapping Petroleum geology data from Cenozoic rock samples in the eastern U.S. Gulf Coast collected 2014 to 2016 Groundwater-withdrawal data from the Coastal Lowlands Aquifer System in parts of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida, 1925-2018 Predicting landscape effects of Mississippi River diversions on soil organic carbon sequestration Louisiana Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program – habitat mapping Petroleum geology data from Cenozoic rock samples in the eastern U.S. Gulf Coast collected 2014 to 2016 Marinas in the Gulf of Mexico Groundwater-withdrawal data from the Coastal Lowlands Aquifer System in parts of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida, 1925-2018 Marinas in the Gulf of Mexico