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This work is part of an experimental trial to develop and assess novel recombinant raccoonpox virus (RCN) rabies vaccines in the mouse model, for potential use in bats. Briefly, our research group previously developed a recombinant RCN vaccine candidate expressing a mosaic glycoprotein (MoG) gene that protected mice and big brown bats when challenged with rabies virus (RABV). We developed two new recombinant RCN candidates expressing MoG (RCN-tPA-MoG and RCN-SS-TD-MoG) with the aim of improving RCN-MoG. We assessed and compared in vitro expression, in vivo immunogenicity, and protective efficacy in vaccinated mice challenged intracerebrally with RABV. In this data set, we share results of immunofluorescence assay...
Acanthurid surgeonfishes are an abundant and diverse group of herbivorous fishes on coral reefs. While their contribution to trophic linkages and dynamics in coral reef systems has received considerable attention, the role of linkages involving their parasites has not. As both consumers of fish tissue and prey to microcarnivores, external parasites can play a significant role in trophic transfer between the primarily algae-based food source and the broader coral reef community. Stable isotope analysis is a common tool for studying trophic linkages, which can be used for studies involving parasites. These data were collected to examine the stable isotope ecology (13C and 15N) of copepod (Caligus atromaculatus) and...
These data contain observation and null polygons for waterfowl aerial surveys of Lake Michigan collected through the years 2009-2014. Polygons were created adjacent to either side of the flight lines (transects). The right and left offset of the polygons from the flight path, was determined using the average altitude of the plane along the transect and the observation angle through the plane’s window. Observed birds were counted and identified by species. This count data was attributed to the polygon closest to the point along the transect where the observation occurred, and on the side of the plane in which the observation took place. The point data represent counts where each point represents a single species....
Snake fungal disease (SFD; ophidiomycosis), caused by the pathogen Ophidiomyces ophidiicola (Oo), has been documented in wild snakes in North America and Eurasia, and is a potentially emerging disease in the eastern USA. However, a lack of historical disease data has made it challenging to determine whether Oo is a recent arrival to the USA or whether SFD emergence is due to other factors. Here, we examined the genomes of 82 Oo strains to determine the pathogen’s history in the eastern USA. This dataset contains metadata on the strains used in that study.
We investigated the dynamics of canine distemper virus (CDV) in grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) and wolves (Canis lupus) of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) using serological data collected from 1984 to 2014. 565 sera samples were obtained from 425 unique grizzly bears (134 females and 291 males) from 1984 to 2014 and 319 sera samples were obtained from 285 unique wolves (130 females and 155 males) from 1996 to 2014. Here we provide the unique identifier for each individual, the species and sex, the date the individual was captured, the estimated birth year and age, and the CDV antibody titer results based upon serum neutralization assays.
Raw sequencing data as generated by the five different methods used are provided for each of the three samples used in the comparison. The files are in FASTQ format as exported from the Oxford Nanopore’s MK1C using MinION flowcells. Files are labeled according to the method (as described in the paper) and the Sample ID). The MK1C exports data in blocks of 6000 reads per FASTQ file and all the FASTQ files from each method and sample are grouped in a common folder.
The U.S. Geological Survey National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC) measured environmental contaminants in bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) to evaluate dietary exposure to lead, mercury, and anticoagulant rodenticides (AR), which was identified by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) as a priority issue of concern for the Mountain Prairie Region 6. Carcasses of bald eagles (n = 172) and golden eagles (n = 142) collected from North and South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nebraska, and Kansas between 2014-2017 were assessed for cause of death and liver lead, mercury, and AR levels. Trauma, electrocution, and lead poisoning were the 3 leading causes of death,...
Dataset containing information for white-tailed deer samples from Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and New York, genotyped for 11 microsatellites markers. Marker OvirQ should not be used as it presents alleles inconsistent with reported pattern, with some alleles separated by only 1 base pair and inconsistent between runs. Projected coordinates representing sampling location are in a user-defined CRS, similar to USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic: "+proj=aea +lat_1=29.3 +lat_2=45.3 +lat_0=23 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs".
American pikas (Ochotona princeps) are small lagomorphs that live in mountainous talus areas of western North America. Studies on the histopathology of American pikas are limited. This report summarizes the clinical histories, and gross and histologic findings of 12 American pikas, including nine captive and three wild animals. Death was often attributed to stress (transport, handling, and anesthesia) with few to no premonitory clinical signs. Two cases died due to infection: one had bacterial pyogranulomatous dermatitis, cellulitis, and lymphadenitis with sepsis; the other case had fungal necrotizing colitis. Incidental parasite infections included sarcocystosis, nematodiasis (oxyurids), and ectoparasitism. Most...
Flea abundance and body condition data for black-tailed prairie dogs on sites treated and not treated with “FipBit” fipronil pellets. We sampled prairie dogs at Conata Basin, Buffalo Gap National Grassland, and Badlands National Park, South Dakota, USA. We sampled fleas from live-trapped prairie dogs during June–October 2018, May–October 2019, and July-August 2020. Prairie dogs were sampled before and after FipBit treatments. We anesthetized each prairie dog with isoflurane and combed it thoroughly for 30 seconds to dislodge fleas, which fell into a plastic bin. Fleas were counted and allowed to recover from anesthesia and placed back on prairie dogs, to minimize any removal effect. We weighed prairie dogs with...
Data on body condition and reproduction of Utah prairie dogs at 5 colonies on the Awapa Plateau, Utah, USA, June-August 2013-2016. Utah prairie dogs were live-trapped and sampled on 5 colonies. We recorded the age (juvenile/adult) and mass (nearest 5 grams) of each prairie dog and marked its ears and body with metal tags and passive integrated transponders, respectively, for permanent identification. We measured each prairie dog's right hind foot length (nearest millimeter). We indexed each adult prairie dog's body condition as the ratio between its mass and hind-foot length. Prairie dogs were allowed to recover from anesthesia and released at their trapping locations. We indexed prairie dog reproduction, by colony...
Throughout a 20-year biosurveillance period, viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus was isolated in low titers from only 6 / 7,355 opportunistically sampled adult Pacific herring, reflecting the typical endemic phase of the disease when the virus persists covertly. However, more focused surveillance efforts identified the presence of disease hot spots occurring among juvenile life history stages from certain nearshore habitats. These outbreaks sometimes recurred annually in the same temporal and spatial patterns and were characterized by infection prevalence as high as 96%. Longitudinal sampling indicated that some epizootics were relatively transient, represented by positive samples on a single sampling date, and others...
These data support a paired USGS publication and document the use of retention ponds on commercial poultry farms by wild waterfowl.
The present study proposes a new methodology for the quantification of parasite eggs in animal tissue. Quantification of parasites are important to understand epidemiology of spirorchiid infections in sea turtles, however different methodologies for quantifying Spirorchiidae eggs in turtle tissues have been used. The most representative way to quantify Spirorchiidae burdens in tissues is counting eggs / g of tissue, however, this method is very laborious. As an alternative, we propose quantifying number of Spirorchiidae egg/ area of tissue on a microscope slide. We compared this method to number of eggs / slide, a common metric of egg burden in turtle tissues. Both methods correlated well with eggs / g with eggs/mm2...
These data represent capture mark recapture data from toads, and results of testing for Bd (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) the pathogen that causes amphibian chytridiomycosis on individuals. The data span from 2004-2016 at three sites in Montana where boreal toads were declining. The data also include temperature measurements at the sites and information on the egg counts and Bd prevalence from Columbia spotted frogs that are co-occurring at one of the sites.
We collected fleas from colonies of black-tailed prairie dogs in Badlands National Park, South Dakota, 2020-2021. Specifically, we tested fipronil grain for flea control on two colonies: Colony A in 2020 and Colony B in 2021. To assess on-host flea numbers (in 2020 and 2021), we anesthetized trapped prairie dogs (and their fleas) with isoflurane in induction chambers for processing. We combed each individual with a fine-tooth comb for 30 seconds to remove and count fleas. We released all animals, after they were recovered from anesthesia, at the location where they were captured. To assess off-host flea numbers (in 2021), we used a plumber’s cable to insert a 20- by 20-centimeter flannel-cloth as deep as possible...
Influenza A viruses are one of the most significant viral groups globally with substantial impacts on human, domestic animal and wildlife health. Wild birds are the natural reservoirs for these viruses, and active surveillance within wild bird populations provides critical information about viral evolution forming the basis of risk assessments and counter measure development. Unfortunately, active surveillance programs are often resource-intensive, and thus enhancing programs for increased efficiency is paramount. Machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence applications, provides statistical learning procedures that can be used to gain novel insights into disease surveillance systems. We use a form of...
These data were collected as part of a voluntary initiative to create a White-Nose Syndrome Diagnostic Laboratory Network among laboratories participating in research and surveillance for Pseudogymonascus destructans (Pd) - the fungal pathogen causing White-Nose Syndrome in bats. Pd_qPCR_InterlaboratoryLODdata.xlsx is raw qPCR data from multiple laboratories running serial dilutions of Pd gBlock in known concentrations for the collectively used Muller (2013) Pd qPCR assay. Pd_qPCR_InterlaboratoryResults_LOD.xlsx contains the data output for each laboratory from running a generic LOD/LOQ calculator script. the generic LOD/LOQ calculator script is available at: Pd_qPCR_InterlaboratoryPTResults_PanelData.xlsx...
These data represent the standard curve values as well as measurements of cytokine and reference gene transcripts from blood samples collected from Florida manatees and quantified using quantitative PCR.

map background search result map search result map Quantitative PCR standard curve and transcript values for the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris), derived from 2013-14 manatee health assessments in Crystal River and Titusville, Florida Canine distemper virus antibody titer results for grizzly bears and wolves in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem 1984-2014 Relating tissue egg counts to eggs/g of spleen in Hawaiian green turtles Stable isotope dynamics of herbivorous reef fishes and their ectoparasites: 2012, 2013, 2018 Flea abundance and body condition data for black-tailed prairie dogs on sites treated and not treated with “FipBit” fipronil pellets, South Dakota, 2018-2020 Data on Utah prairie dog body condition and reproductive success, Awapa Plateau, Utah, USA, 2013-2016 Lake Michigan Sea Duck Survey 2009-2014 Survey of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus in Pacific herring throughout the North Pacific Ocean Data on flea control using fipronil grain bait with black-tailed prairie dogs at Badlands National Park, South Dakota, 2020-2021 USGS National Wildlife Health Center necropsy and contaminant results for bald and golden eagles collected in 8 States from January 1, 2014, through December 31, 2017 to determine cause of illness/death and lead, mercury, and anticoagulant rodenticide exposure Blacklegged tick nymph densities, tickborne pathogen prevalence, and white-tailed deer densities in eight national parks in the eastern United States from 2014-2022 Raw MinION FASTQ datafiles corresponding to the paper “A comparison of avian influenza virus whole genome sequencing approaches using nanopore technology” Pd qPCR Interlaboratory Testing Results Data describing the use of retention ponds on commercial poultry facilities on Delmarva by wild waterfowl 2011 and 2017 Pika Pathology Colorado Microsatellite genotypes and metadata for white-tailed deer samples from the Mid-Atlantic region of USA Raw MinION FASTQ datafiles corresponding to the paper “A comparison of avian influenza virus whole genome sequencing approaches using nanopore technology” Stable isotope dynamics of herbivorous reef fishes and their ectoparasites: 2012, 2013, 2018 Data describing the use of retention ponds on commercial poultry facilities on Delmarva by wild waterfowl Data on Utah prairie dog body condition and reproductive success, Awapa Plateau, Utah, USA, 2013-2016 Canine distemper virus antibody titer results for grizzly bears and wolves in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem 1984-2014 Lake Michigan Sea Duck Survey 2009-2014 Relating tissue egg counts to eggs/g of spleen in Hawaiian green turtles 2011 and 2017 Pika Pathology Colorado Blacklegged tick nymph densities, tickborne pathogen prevalence, and white-tailed deer densities in eight national parks in the eastern United States from 2014-2022 Microsatellite genotypes and metadata for white-tailed deer samples from the Mid-Atlantic region of USA USGS National Wildlife Health Center necropsy and contaminant results for bald and golden eagles collected in 8 States from January 1, 2014, through December 31, 2017 to determine cause of illness/death and lead, mercury, and anticoagulant rodenticide exposure Survey of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus in Pacific herring throughout the North Pacific Ocean Pd qPCR Interlaboratory Testing Results