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Chemical-Gene and Chemical-Pathway Interactions Predicted for Chemicals Detected in the USGS-USEPA National Streams Pilot Study Based on Effects Data in the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD)


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Romanok, K.M., Bradley, P.M., and Berninger, J.P., 2019, Chemical-Gene and Chemical-Pathway Interactions Predicted for Chemicals Detected in the USGS-USEPA National Streams Pilot Study Based on Effects Data in the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Data from study assessing the utility of knowledgebase-leveraging of comprehensive environmental-contaminant-exposure datasets by comparing biological effects predicted on the basis of target chemical analyses with measured biological effects in corresponding split water samples.


Attached Files

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CMEE_Table1_Mutagenicity.txt 5.67 KB text/plain
CMEE_Table2_Summary.txt 10 KB text/plain
CMEE_Table3a_DetectedOrganics.txt 66.71 KB text/plain
CMEE_Table3b_RelativeDetectedOrganics.txt 51.29 KB text/plain
CMEE_Table4_pCGA_counts.txt 2.17 MB text/plain
CMEE_Table5a_pCGA_concentrations.txt 4.04 MB text/plain
CMEE_Table5b_pCGA_RelativeConcentrations.txt 4.02 MB text/plain
CMEE_Table6_pPLA_counts.txt 227.86 KB text/plain
CMEE_Table7a_pPLA_concentrations.txt 402.67 KB text/plain
CMEE_Table7b_pPLA_relative_concentrations.txt 392.44 KB text/plain
CMEE_Table8_BioassayComparison_Data.txt 47.31 KB text/plain
CMEE_Table9_BioassayOverall_correlation_summary.txt 3.12 KB text/plain
CMEE_Table10_BioassayIndChem_correlation_summary.txt 26.51 KB text/plain


The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) assessed 719 unique organic analytes in surface water split samples from 38 United States (US) stream sites representing a national gradient in watershed urban/agricultural development. To complement the chemical analysis of these water samples, organic extracts of the samples were evaluated for in vitro estrogen (ER), androgen (AR), and glucocorticoid (GR) activity and for mutagenicity in the Salmonella (Ames) assay. The predictive utility of knowledgebase-leveraging of comprehensive environmental-contaminant-exposure datasets was assessed using exposure-effects relations identified in the Comparative Toxicogenomincs Database (CTD) to computationally predict chemical-gene/protein associations and analogous chemical-pathway associations for direct comparison with observed ER-, AR-, and GR-activity and mutagenicity results for corresponding split water samples.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9A6C39B

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