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Data for Specific Gage Analyses on the Patapsco River, 2010-2017


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Cashman, M.J., Boyd, E., Collins, M., McFarland, B., and Ryan, A., 2021, Data for Specific Gage Analyses on the Patapsco River, 2010-2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with American Rivers and other partners, conducted a monitoring program beginning in 2010 to track river response to a series of dam removals on the Patapsco River intended to restore anadromous fish habitat in the watershed. Dam removals included the November 2010 removal of the Simkins dam, a 3.3 m tall and 66 m wide dam, with a reservoir sediment volume of ~67,000 cubic meters. As part of the dam removal monitoring program, three USGS streamgaging stations were established in late 2010 along the mainstem of the Patapsco River to estimate flow and suspended sediment-transport for constraining sediment budgets. USGS 01589000 Patapsco River at Hollofield, MD was reestablished 6 km upstream [...]


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dv_data.csv 2.47 MB text/csv
meas_data_analysis.csv 123.17 KB text/csv
Specific_Discharge_results.csv 59.08 KB text/csv
Specific_Stage_results.csv 5.54 MB text/csv
uv_data.csv 219.51 MB text/csv
NOAA_CrossSections_Combined.csv 29.51 KB text/csv
Data_Dictionary_postreview_reconciliation.csv 53.25 KB text/csv


Data were collected through routine operation of USGS gages to track discharge and sediment loads following dam removal in the Patapsco River. Data were then used to derive estimates of channel change through time through a series of gage analyses methods. Data represent changes to river response throughout the study period, including aggradation and scour, floodplain deposition, and changing hydraulic conditions.


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  • USGS Data Release Products
  • USGS Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia Water Science Center



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9REXNQ9

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