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TGAP Class Transition Rasters


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Wilson, T.S., Matchett, E., Byrd, K., Conlisk, E., Reiter, Wallace, C., Flint, L.E., Flint, A.L., Joyce, B., and Moritsch, M., 2021, Integrated modeling of climate and land change impacts on future dynamic wetland habitat – a case study from California’s Central Valley: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset consists of raster geotiff outputs of 30-year average annual land use and land cover transition probabilities for the California Central Valley modeled for the period 2011-2101 across 5 future scenarios. The full methods and results of this research are described in detail in “Integrated modeling of climate, land use, and water availability scenarios and their impacts on managed wetland habitat: A case study from California’s Central Valley” (2021). Land-use and land-cover change for California's Central Valley were modeled using the LUCAS model and five different scenarios were simulated from 2011 to 2101 across the entirety of the valley. The five future scenario projections originated from the four scenarios developed [...]


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Land Use and Land Cover 30-Year Transition Probability Raster Maps.7z
“TGAP Transition Probability Raster Map Data Zip File”
12.38 MB application/x-7z-compressed


The data can be used to identify regions modeled with high probability of the specified land-use and land-cover change under the specified scenario, highlighting the spatial and temporal distribution of land conversion which could potentially impact future ecological and waterbird habitat. Data is being provided to improve the replicability of analysis and meet federal open data standards.


  • USGS Data Release Products


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