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A snapshot of stakeholder science needs related to drought in the Colorado River Basin


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Frus, R.J., Hawbaker, T. J., Anderson, E.D., Anderson, P.J., Andrews, W.J., Bradford, J.B., Dean, D.J., Duniway, M.C., Horton, R.J., Jones, D.K., Monroe, A.P., Qi, S.L., Skinner, C., Thomas, K.A., Tillery, A.C., Torregrosa, A., and Dahm, K.G., 2021, A snapshot of stakeholder science needs related to drought in the Colorado River Basin: U.S. Geological Survey Data Release,


Stakeholder science needs were determined by reviewing more than 200 recently published literature items and web pages from Colorado River Basin (CRB) stakeholders. These stakeholder communications were used to characterize over 400 stakeholder science needs by reviewing their priorities, strategies, issues, missions, and concerns related to drought in the CRB. Members of the CRB Integrated Science Pilot Project team identified each of the stakeholder’s science needs and categorized the needs based on science themes and science topics that the needs address in the landscape. The terms used as science topics were initially created by Pilot Project team members but then later were cross-walked to match terms in the USGS Thesaurus (USGS, [...]


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Citations.csv 62.01 KB text/csv
Crosswalk USGS Thesaurus.csv 4.02 KB text/csv
Stakeholder_List.csv 2.38 MB text/csv
Stakeholder_Science_Needs.csv 255 KB text/csv
CRB_MoabRim.jpg thumbnail 49.94 KB image/jpeg


Provide a snapshot of stakeholder science needs related to drought within the Colorado River Basin. The work is not considered comprehensive but does provide insight to stakeholder science priorities and identifies science needs that are shared across different stakeholder groups.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9CTXP26

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