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Piping plover hatch-year survival and natal dispersal probabilities in the Northern Great Plains, USA 2014-2019


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Swift, R.J., Anteau, M.J., Ellis, K.S., Ring, M.M., Sherfy, M.H., Toy, D.L., and Koons, D.N., 2021, Piping plover hatch-year survival and natal dispersal probabilities in the Northern Great Plains, USA 2014-2019: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


We present a tabular data set representing values to estimate apparent hatch-year survival to adulthood and natal dispersal probabilities between two breeding groups of the Northern Great Plains piping plover (Charadrius melodus) used in a multievent capture-mark-resight model from 2014-2019. Focusing on the Northern Missouri River and U.S. Alkali Wetlands breeding groups. In addition, several covariates were included representing habitat and social variables.


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HatchYearSurvivalDispersalProbabilities.txt 131.54 KB text/plain


Based on previous studies, managers assumed a metapopulation structure consisting of four breeding groups with low, balanced dispersal for the federally listed Northern Great Plains piping plover (Charadrius melodus), which resulted in low extinction risk in a simulation-based viability study (McGowan et al. 2014). Data were obtained to examine survival and dispersal probabilities among two of the four breeding groups listed in the McGowan study (U.S. Alkali Wetlands and Northern Missouri River) as part of an overall assessment of the connectivity and movement rates of Northern Great Plains piping plovers. McGowan, C.P., Catlin, D.H., Shaffer, T.L., Gratto-Trevor, C.L., and Aron, C., 2014, Establishing endangered species recovery criteria using predictive simulation modeling: Biological Conservation, v. 177, p. 220–229.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9G1JUS0

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