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Geochemical and fallout radionuclide data for sediment source fingerprinting studies of the Loutsenhizer Arroyo and Sunflower Drain watersheds in western Colorado


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Bern, C.R., Williams, C.A., Smith, C.G., Henneberg, M., and Qi, S.L., 2023, Geochemical and fallout radionuclide data for sediment source fingerprinting studies of the Loutsenhizer Arroyo and Sunflower Drain watersheds in western Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data release includes geochemical and fallout radionuclide data for suspended sediments and potential sediment source types for the Loutsenhizer Arroyo and Sunflower Drain watersheds in western Colorado. Suspended sediments were collected by passive samplers deployed in the stream channel of the watershed outlets during four study periods between August 2018 and August 2019. Potential sediment source type samples were collected in the watersheds in duplicate using compositing techniques that targeted the top 5 centimeters of soil. The four potential sediment source-types were: agricultural fields, rangeland, arroyo walls, and streambanks. Source type samples were wet sieved to less than (<) 63 microns (µm) to target the size fraction [...]


Point of Contact :
Carleton R Bern
Process Contact :
Carleton R Bern
Originator :
Carleton R Bern, Cory A Williams, Christopher G Smith, Mark F Henneberg, Sharon L Qi
Metadata Contact :
Sharon L Qi
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
SDC Data Owner :
Colorado Water Science Center
USGS Mission Area :
Water Resources
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase

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DataDictionary.csv 5 KB text/csv
SedFingerprintData.csv 26.5 KB text/csv


The data were collected to support a sediment fingerprinting study of two watersheds (Loutsenhizer Arroyo and Sunflower Drain) and assess the relative contributions of potential sediment source types to the suspended sediments exported via streamflow. The data might be of use to future researchers as representing the geochemical composition of surface soils in the region.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P99EZZJK

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