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The Bird Conservancy of the Rockies will use, combine and optimize an array of remote sensing techniques to identify the most efficient process that characterizes grasslands and level of shrub component in those grasslands. The project will classify a pilot area, the Janos Grassland Priority Conservation Area, which contains the majority of the Janos Biosphere Reserve, using a variety of remote sensing approaches. In the process they will identify the best techniques for decomposing grass-shrub intermix at low densities and identify the best approaches for large scale application of remote sensing to classify the desert grasslands and shrublands.
The Chesapeake Conservancy and its partners will use the landscape science products created through the North Atlantic LCC to identify and prioritize locations and methods that would best address the regional and local conservation needs identified by these communities. Using this information, the Chesapeake Conservancy will work with its local partners to develop efficient and effective on-the-ground conservation projects that will protect the Susquehanna’s ecological and cultural resources. As part of this initiative, the Chesapeake Conservancy will share and promote the North Atlantic LCC landscape science products with its network of more than 25 participating organizations and institutions.
This collaborative project provided biologists and managers along the Atlantic coast with tools to predict effects of accelerating sea-level rise on the distribution of piping plover breeding habitat, test those predictions, and feed results back into the modeling framework to improve predictive capabilities. Immediate model results will be used to inform a coast-wide assessment of threats from sea-level rise and related habitat conservation recommendations that can be implemented by land managers and inform recommendations to regulators. Case studies incorporating resilience of piping plover habitat into management plans for specific locations demonstrate potential applications.
The potential implications of climate change to fishes in Great Plains rivers and streams could range from drastic shifts in distribution to extirpation. Many lotic systems in the Great Plains are not well suited for direct escape routes for fish to move to more suitable habitats at other latitudes due to the west-east direction of flows rather than north-south. Therefore, we might expect additional climate related stress on fish communities in the Great Plains compared to other regions of North America. Therefore, we will 1) simulate potential water temperature and flow changes within the Great Plains based on extant regional climate models, 2) assess stream connectivity to potential refugia, 3) develop a database...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: 2013, CATFISHES/MINNOWS, CO-01, CO-02, CO-03, All tags...
Oyster reefs are one of the most important environmental and economic resources within the coastal regions of the United States. Although oyster reefs in deeper water have been mapped, the extent and condition of intertidal reefs has not been sufficiently inventoried in most states. Understanding the geographic extent and condition of intertidal oyster reef and shell bottoms is important for assessing parental stock and to determine potential recruitment bottlenecks for oysters within an estuary. These intertidal areas have traditionally served as a sanctuary from commercial harvest pressure due to closures, safety, and operational barriers preventing the harvesting of oysters in shallow water. The location...
This project utilizes projected visualization of land cover conditions for the state of Florida at three future time periods. Simulated projected future conditions also vary by patterns in development, levels and types of conservation, and sea level rise. These visualized scenarios afford the opportunity to examine a range of possible outcomes for land use and land cover, and use these scenarios to evaluate the impacts on potential habitat distributions for focal species. For this project, focal species were centered within the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge and impacts. The methodology for this project includes four major steps, which have been found to be effective in previous scenario analyses with...
Native grasslands have been reduced to a fraction of their original extent, with estimated total loss prior to the 1990s of 70% for prairie grassland (Federal Provincial and Territorial Governments of Canada 2010). Conversion of native grassland to cropland and tame hayfields or pasture has been one of the leading drivers of native grassland loss in North America. Degradation of native grasslands also continues in some areas due to changes in natural disturbance regimes such as fire suppression and intensive prolonged cattle grazing, threats from invasive non-native species, fragmentation, intensification of agriculture, and economic development associated with population growth(Federal Provincial and Territorial...
One of the impacts of global climate change for the Hawaiian Islands is a projected increase in sea level of about one meter by the year 2100. This change will impact both biological and cultural resources located along the coastline. Few intact native coastal and lowland plant communities remain in Hawai’i. Many of those that remain contain listed endangered species and provide important habitat for other species such as seabirds, shorebirds, and native invertebrates. Where upslope habitats are available, some coastal plant communities may be able to migrate in response to sea level rise. However, in sites that have no upslope opportunities due to habitat modification by human development, the species and communities...
Traditional Ecological Knowledge, or TEK, is “a cumulative body of knowledge, practice and belief, evolving by adaptive processes and handed down through generations by cultural transmission, about the relationships of living beings (including humans) with one another and with their environments.” With support from the PICCC, scientists at the University of Hawai’i MaÌ„noa have undertaken research that is documenting baseline Traditional Ecological Knowledge for Ka’upulehu, in the north Kona region of Kekaha on Hawai‘i Island. This focused on biological and cultural resources most valued by the community, the challenges they face, and potential coping mechanisms. Through a series of workshops, investigators partnered...
Human effects on the global climate system, principally through changing the atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, are expected to lead to significant warming and other associated changes in the climate worldwide. Human-induced climate changes are likely already observable in quantities such as the global mean temperature, and over the next century can be expected to include significant effects on the local environment in Hawaii and other Pacific Islands. The currently available climate change projections from global coupled atmosphere/ocean models, as summarized for example in the recent IPCC assessment reports, have very limited direct application to Hawaii or other Pacific islands,...
The project had four explicit objectives: 1) Conduct a climate vulnerability assessment of Species of Greatest Need of Conservation and major habitat types 2) Identify conservation strategies that increase resiliency or adaptive capacity, or mitigate the effects of climate change 3) Outline an adaptive management approach for informing management decisions 4) Recommend changes to existing monitoring programs and identify research needs
The CA LCC assisted the San Francisco Bay Area National Wildlife Refuge Complex in its conservation planning efforts by researching and summarizing projections of climate change and potential impacts for the natural resources of the seven refuges within the Refuge Complex. We used the Climate Commons and the tools linked to it to search the literature and create graphs and maps depicting range and types of climate and physical changes expected for the region, and searched the scientific literature and consulted with experts for the summaries of potential impacts to the target habitats and species.
The Georgia Basin supports a globally unique mix of dry forest and savannah habitats that evolved under historic climates and First Nations land management. These extraordinary areas still provide ecosystem services essential to human health and well-being and are widely recognized for their outstanding beauty, recreational and economic values. However, most of this habitat has been converted to human use and what remains will be lost without further investment in conservation and restoration activities. We use leading-edge methods to prioritize stewardship actions, identify conservation networks likely to facilitate species persistence under climate change, and maximize return on conservation investments.
PROBLEM Alley Creek, a tributary to Little Neck Bay (Queens County, New York; figure 1) has been designated as impaired by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) for primary and secondary contact and included on the 303(d) Impaired Waterways for pathogens related to combined sewer overflow contributions. The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYC DEP) and New York City Parks & Recreation have developed a long-term control plan (2014) and a watershed management plan (2015), respectively, to improve water quality and ecosystem health. Point and non-point sources of pathogens are implicated, including stormwater and combined-sewer outfalls, groundwater seepage, and...
The lakes, rivers, and streams of New York State provide an essential water resource for the State. The information provided by time series hydrologic data is essential to understanding ways to promote healthy instream ecology and to strengthen the scientific basis for sound water management decision making in New York. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with The Nature Conservancy and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, has developed the New York Streamflow Estimation Tool to estimate a daily mean hydrograph for the period from October 1, 1960, to September 30, 2010, at ungaged locations across the State. The New York Streamflow Estimation Tool produces a complete estimated daily...
Following Hurricane Sandy, the USGS began construction of an overland Surge, Wave, and Tide Hydrodynamics (SWaTH) Network along the Northeastern Atlantic Coast from North Carolina to Maine. This network, developed collaboratively with numerous partners, features the integration of long-term tide gage networks, with real-time rapid-deployment gages (RDG) and mobile storm-tide sensors (STS). An element of the comprehensive strategy of SWaTH ensures that locations for most RDGs and STSs have been presurveyed to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) and equipped with receiving brackets. This permits rapid deployment and recovery of instrumentation and data dissemination in the hours and days immediately...
Summary Acid rain levels in the Adirondack region have substantially declined and recovery from acid rain is underway. Recovery is being limited by the depletion of soil calcium that occurred over past decades. Not only is calcium needed for neutralizing acidity, it is an essential nutrient for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. However, recovery of soil calcium has not yet been observed. Whole-ecosystem restoration through watershed liming, possibly combined with in-stream liming, may provide a practical option for stimulating recovery of certain acid-sensitive, high-value natural resources. Information from past liming efforts, however, is insufficient for determining the degree of success that could be achieved...
Problem: The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) was established to accelerate ecosystem restoration in the Great Lakes by confronting the most serious treats to the region, such as nonpoint source pollution, toxic sediments, and invasive species. Much of the effort associated with GLRI is being placed near the most impacted areas in the Great Lakes Basin. Priority Watersheds have been targeted by the Regional Working Group’s Phosphorus Reduction Work Group. These Priority Watersheds (Fox/Green Bay, Saginaw, Genessee, and Maumee) are characterized by having a high density of agricultural land use and have ecosystem impairments that have been clearly identified. The outlet of each of the Priority Watersheds...
Problem - The interaction between ground water and surface water within the Meads Creek watershed is not well understood, and the need for understanding the interaction has increased in recent years because of widespread concerns related to water supply, ground- and surface-water contamination, loss of wetlands due to development; and other changes in the watershed. In addition, flooding in the southern part of the watershed (mostly in Steuben County), where most development in the watershed has taken place, has highlighted the need for information about the drainage characteristics in the basin including the role of ground-water and surface-water interactions. Objectives - The objectives are (1) characterize...

map background search result map search result map Implications for Connectivity and Movement of Lotic Great Plains Fishes in the Face of Climate Change. High Resolution Dynamical Projections of Climate Change for Hawaii and Other Pacific Islands Learning from Traditional Ecological Knowledge to understand Climate Change Impacts and Preserve Key Cultural and Natural Resources in Ka'upulehu, Hawaii Impacts of sea level rise on native plant communities and associated cultural sites in coastal areas of the main Hawaiian Islands Hydrogeology and Surface/Groundwater Interactions in the Meads Creek Valley, Schuyler and Steuben Counties, New York Mapping shallow reefs using low-cost side scanning sonar and drone photography systems Whole Ecosystem Restoration Through Liming of Honnedaga Lake Tributary Watersheds A New Tool for Estimating Daily Mean Streamflow Statistics at Rural Streams in New York State, excluding Long Island Coastal Storm Response Surge, Wave, and Tide Hydrodynamics Network (SWaTH) GLRI Edge of Field Watershed Monitoring Project Webinar: Cross-Boundary Planning For Resilience & Restoration Of Endangered Oak Savannah-Coastal Douglas-Fir Report: Adapting Conservation to a Changing Climate: An Update to the Illinois Wildlife Action Plan Report: Comparative Analysis of Native Prairie Spatial Delineation Methods in the Prairie Ecozone A return on Investment Approach to restoring natural Flow Regimes in the Red River Assessment of fecal contamination sources to Alley Creek, Queens County, New York Assessment of fecal contamination sources to Alley Creek, Queens County, New York Whole Ecosystem Restoration Through Liming of Honnedaga Lake Tributary Watersheds GLRI Edge of Field Watershed Monitoring Project Learning from Traditional Ecological Knowledge to understand Climate Change Impacts and Preserve Key Cultural and Natural Resources in Ka'upulehu, Hawaii Mapping shallow reefs using low-cost side scanning sonar and drone photography systems High Resolution Dynamical Projections of Climate Change for Hawaii and Other Pacific Islands Impacts of sea level rise on native plant communities and associated cultural sites in coastal areas of the main Hawaiian Islands Report: Adapting Conservation to a Changing Climate: An Update to the Illinois Wildlife Action Plan A New Tool for Estimating Daily Mean Streamflow Statistics at Rural Streams in New York State, excluding Long Island Webinar: Cross-Boundary Planning For Resilience & Restoration Of Endangered Oak Savannah-Coastal Douglas-Fir A return on Investment Approach to restoring natural Flow Regimes in the Red River Coastal Storm Response Surge, Wave, and Tide Hydrodynamics Network (SWaTH) Report: Comparative Analysis of Native Prairie Spatial Delineation Methods in the Prairie Ecozone Implications for Connectivity and Movement of Lotic Great Plains Fishes in the Face of Climate Change.