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Data release for the BOEM-USGS study of the regional importance of manmade structures as rockfish nurseries in the Santa Barbara Channel

Santa Barbara Channel Geohab


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Cochrane, G.R., 2015, Data release for the BOEM-USGS study of the regional importance of manmade structures as rockfish nurseries in the Santa Barbara Channel: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Background To obtain an ecosystem-level understanding of the OCS, biological and physical databases must be integrated. To date, most ecological studies are restricted in scale due tolimited funds and information. With the completion of region-wide oceanographic and geologic surveys, it is timely to link and expand biological surveys to match the spatial scale of these physical databases. Such integration will be important to all aspects of permitting, mitigation and decommissioning decisions of the OCS. The majority of marine species observed at oil platforms and natural reefs do not reside in these habitats for their entire life history. Population connectivity within and among habitats varies according to the life history of each [...]

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Originator :
Guy R Cochrane
Point of Contact :
Guy R Cochrane
Metadata Contact :
Guy R Cochrane
publisher :
Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
USGS Mission Area :
Natural Hazards
SDC Data Owner :
Coastal and Marine Geology Program
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase

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The overall objective of this study is to begin to integrate region-wide oceanographic, geologic, and biologic data so BOEM has an ecosystem-level synthesis of the marine environment on which to base management decisions. The initial efforts in applying this synthesis will focus on understanding the regional importance of platform habitat as rockfish nurseries in order to predict consequences of decommissioning to EFH and managed fish species.


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  • Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/F7QF8QXF

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