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Digital Datasets Documenting Fault Rupture and Ground Deformation Features Produced by the Mw 6.0 South Napa Earthquake of August 24, 2014


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Ponti, D.J., Rosa, C.M., and Blair, J.L., 2019, Digital datasets documenting fault rupture and ground deformation features produced by the Mw 6.0 South Napa Earthquake of August 24, 2014: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This product is a collection of digital data that document fault rupture and ground deformation produced by the August 24, 2014 South Napa Earthquake. These datasets are described and more fully discussed in Ponti, D.J, Rosa, C.M, and Blair, J.L., 2019, The Mw 6.0 South Napa Earthquake of August 24, 2014—Observations of surface faulting and ground deformation, with recommendations for improving post-earthquake field investigations: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2019–1018, Included in this collection are: 1) Hillshade images that depict fault rupture, in GeoTIFF format derived from hi-resolution airborne lidar data flown on Sept. 9, 2014; 2) GIS Shapefile and KMZ file of fault rupture [...]

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Point of Contact :
James Luke Blair
Originator :
Daniel J Ponti, Carla M Rosa, James Luke Blair
Metadata Contact :
James Luke Blair
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
USGS Mission Area :
Natural Hazards
SDC Data Owner :
Earthquake Hazards Program

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Data were obtained from numerous investigators to document the surface effects of the Mw 6.0 South Napa Earthquake of August 24, 2014. Contributors to this effort include: U.S. Geological Survey - Benjamin A. Brooks, Emma Crewdson, Coyn Criley, Stephen B. DeLong, Suzanne Hecker, Thomas L. Holzer, Kenneth W. Hudnut, James J. Lienkaemper, Alexandra J. Pickering, Daniel J. Ponti, Carol S. Prentice, Carla M. Rosa, David P. Schwartz, Robert R. Sickler, John C. Tinsley III; California Geological Survey – Clif Davenport , Timothy E. Dawson, Marc P. Delattre, Wayne Haydon, Jeremy Lancaster, Maxime Mareschal, Cynthia Pridmore, Ron S. Rubin, Gordon G. Seitz, Mark O. Wiegers, Chris Wills; Others – Cooper Brossy (Fugro), Michael Buga (Fugro), Don Hoirup (California Department of Water Resources), Chris Hitchcock (Infraterra), Keith Kelson (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), Andy Lutz (Infraterra), Alex Morelan (University of California, Davis), Jared Pratt (Rgh Consultants), Kevin Ryan (Ryan Geological Consulting), Heidi Stenner (unaffiliated), David Trench (Fugro), Chad Trexler (University of California, Davis), Donald Wells (AMEC), John Wesling (Office of Mine Reclamation), Dana Zaccone (unaffiliated)


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DOI doi:10.5066/F7P26W84

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