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Surveyed ground control and elevation checkpoints acquired at Barter Island, Alaska, 2014-2016


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Gibbs, A.E., Nolan, M., and Snyder, A.G., 2019, Orthophotomosaics, elevation point clouds, digital surface elevation models and supporting data from the north coast of Barter Island, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Ground control points and checkpoints were collected during Global Positioning System (GPS) surveys conducted between September 6, 2014 and September 18, 2016 along the northern coast of Barter Island, Alaska. Data were acquired and post-processed using precise positioning and used to co-register and assess accuracy of photogrammetric data sets.


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The data were acquired in support of a larger study to demonstrate the utility of using structure-from-motion photogrammetric methods for deriving digital elevation data using imagery acquired from a fixed-wing aircraft in remote environments. Companion data sets, including orthophotomosaics, elevation point clouds, and digital surface models are used to evaluate fine-scale morphological and volumetric change to beaches and permafrost bluffs.

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