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3D bathymetric surfaces of low- and high-relief sites from the coral reef flat off Waiakane, Molokai


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Pomeroy, A.W.M., Storlazzi, C.D., Logan, J.B., and Norris, B.K., 2023, 3D bathymetric surfaces of low- and high-relief sites from the coral reef flat off Waiakane, Molokai: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


3D bathymetric surfaces of low- and high-relief sites from the coral reef flat off Waiakane, Molokai, were created using structure-from-motion (SfM) techniques. The two study sites are located approximately 640 m from shore and approximately 20 m apart in the alongshore direction. At each site, an approximate 12-meter diameter area was imaged in three passes by a swimmer using a handheld digital camera. These images were fed into Structure-from-Motion (SfM) software to produce high-resolution (fine-scale), accurate, and precise topographic point clouds with sub-centimeter accuracy for both the low- and high-relief sites. In addition, a subset of a previously published (Logan and Storlazzi, 2022), coarser-scale, 3D bathymetric surface [...]


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“Perspective view of the coarse- and fine-scale 3D bathymetry.”
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These data were collected as a part of a USGS effort to understand the geologic and oceanographic processes of coral reef systems in the United States of America and its Pacific Island Trust Territories. It is intended to provide a representation of coral reef bathymetry, including benthic habitat resources, Molokai’s southern fringing reef. These data may be used by scientists, managers, and the general public.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9HNLI7Y

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