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Ground-surface elevation, vegetation, and land type within approximately 10 and 400 meters of 176 water-level gaging stations in the Greater Everglades, Florida 2005-10


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Haider, S.M., McCloskey, B., and Telis, P.A., 2024, Ground-surface elevation, vegetation, and land type within approximately 10 and 400 meters of 176 water-level gaging stations in the Greater Everglades, Florida 2005-10: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) is an integrated network of water-level gages, interpolation models, web applications, and decision support tools that generates daily water-level data and derived hydrologic data across the freshwater part of south Florida's Greater Everglades. EDEN provides continuous daily water-level and depth surfaces on a 400-meter grid using an interpolation algorithm, a network of over 200 gaging stations, and a digital elevation model (DEM). The water-level surfaces cover an area of 9,132 square kilometers and the water depth surfaces cover an area of 7,491 square kilometers. For a subset of gaging stations, ground elevation measurements were taken to better understand the elevation in the area [...]


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Water levels at gage stations are measured relative to a vertical datum, but ground elevations are not normally surveyed. Because ecological studies often require water depth instead of water levels, this dataset was collected to provide estimates of ground elevation at each gage, from which water depth can be calculated. Water depths were measured at 1-10 locations in the major and/or secondary vegetation communities within 10- and 400- meters of each of the 176 water-level gaging station locations in the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN).



  • USGS Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center
  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/P13M7CRD

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